I wrote a poem for Scotland- of sorts.

Oh Scotland you are making it impossible to ever leave! Like a sea, your sky breaks and breathes mists, stormy grey. Shy sun. Employing all manner of means to avoid being known.  Stooping low to make eye contact, giving us brief shadows, apologizing for getting our hopes up, sinking quickly with a blush. Your austere … Continue reading I wrote a poem for Scotland- of sorts.

From Deepest, Darkest Kittybrewster: a Poem

From deepest, darkest Kittybrewster*- Comes winter dismal and gray;  the darkness is upon us and we hope to get away. Herein lies granite, strong and sturdy- forever it will stand; but it ain't particularly purdy- the city a bit bland. The lights come on at 3pm- to help us find our tea; it comforts us … Continue reading From Deepest, Darkest Kittybrewster: a Poem