First days on the ground

We arrived in Scotland in the waning days of the IBC, Ice Bucket Challenge. That and the ongoing Ebola crisis. I write these things because they are part of the air we were breathing during the great transition that an international move is. We moved into our flat (apartment) September 1 after staying a few days in a local B & B. These were what might be called ‘survival mode’ days because it was a challenge to find food that tasted at least slightly appetizing, not to mention the shock of not being home anymore. The first items to be placed on our kitchen shelf were these:


PG Tips and Nutella. These would be considered by some to be the two basic food groups by indigenous peoples on this island. I haven’t taken a official poll but I suspect I”m not too far off. PG Tips, in case you’ve not ventured into the international food aisle at your local grocery, is tea. Black tea. And it’s good. Nutella is what will be served in heaven. Everyday. For all eternity. Is that over-stating it a bit? I don’t think so.

Because our flat is furnished in what might be called ‘mid-century Goodwill’, we have already done a wee bit of redecorating courtesy of this fine local establishment:


Most of you have experienced this store in its American incarnation, Dollar General and its cousins. Its amazing what a throw rug and an accent lamp will do to brighten up a living room with not one, but two black vinyl sofas!

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